Sunday, 31 January 2016

Chronicles at Hogwarts // Epilogue - Percy Lestrange

Image taken from Freepik

Hello hello! Welcome to the final post of the Story Mash-Up Project and Percy's epilogue for the Chronicles at Hogwarts! *bursts into tears*

This epilogue is specially dedicated to all the wonderful bloggers I worked with in the past few weeks, namely Joan (who hosted this! THREE CHEERS FOR HER GUYS!!) Michelle, Trisha, Eve, Vineeth, and Kaycee K

Let me just say that every single one of them are such amazing bloggers, writers, and people in general. They're practically rays of sunshine to say in the least and just like Percy is grateful for meeting her newfound friends, I'm grateful for meeting these bloggers *massively hugs every one of you*

Despite the obvious fact that I don't want any of this to end, here is Percy's epilogue. 

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is a trademark and a property of JK Rowling. The words and the non-canon characters were created and therefore owned by the bloggers involved in this project.


Chronicles at Hogwarts // Epilogue - Percy Lestrange

Persephone Rae Lestrange twirled her silver ring around her finger and listened to the crunch of her boots as she trudged through the gravelly streets of Hogsmeade. 

It was one of those blissful afternoons where the Sun was right over her head and yet was just pleasantly warm. “It’s amazing how the world goes on even after mine has been turned upside down.” Percy mused to herself. 

Just a few minutes ago Percy and Aislin were playfully jabbing at Min Hye over the results of this morning’s Quidditch match. Ravenclaw had prevailed and Percy couldn’t be happier, especially since this time around, she had Aislin to cheer for.

 Admittedly, she wasn’t much of a sports person but Quidditch was an exception all wizards and witches acknowledged.  You’re a witch or wizard? You love Quidditch. End of story.

Percy sighed at her still-hopelessly shy self. Sure, she had made great friends over the past few weeks with no trouble at all but she still felt the familiar bubble of panic and doom when Aislin and Min Hye’s friends bounded over to discuss the match with them.

Percy didn’t mind. She needed a little while to be alone after the chaos of last night.

She pulled out a little package from of her coat pocket and started unwrapping it. She had got quite the shelling from Professor Longbottom for sneaking out fat slices of cake from the breakfast table this morning. 

“Honestly, sir, if you wanted some for yourself you should have just said so!” she said as she thrust one of her ten slices of cake into her Professor’s hands before sprinting off to Potions.

“So worth it.” she mumbled as she shoved the entire piece into her mouth.  

“Ah, there it is.” she said as she skipped up the front steps of The Three Broomsticks. Min Hye and Aislin had wanted to grab a couple Butterbeers to celebrate the end of the Quidditch match, and Percy had promised to save seats for them.

The tinkle of bells greeted her as she pushed open the door to the wizards’ pub. The place was packed as usual with Hogwarts students. Percy forced her way through the crowd, silently praying the empty table at the back would not be occupied by the time she got there.

“Thank the stars.” Percy muttered as she plonked herself down and ordered a tankard of Butterbeer.

The past few weeks have probably been the most terrifying of all her time here at Hogwarts.

Percy didn’t expect to meet Aislin at The Whomping Willow that day. Nor could she have imagined sneaking off with her to overhear the Muggleborns interrogate poor Emily at the Astronomy Tower.

 The days preceding that were also somewhat a dream. She met Min Hye who was bubbly but fierce, Indira who was strong and held a secret so big yet trusted complete strangers to help her bear the weight of it, and of course, Dalton Chase, who simultaneously scared Percy to death and scared her further to death.

 Then there was Yokitori.

Percy was just as mortified as everyone else had been when Dalton had revealed him for everything he truly was. But despite that, Percy couldn’t help thinking that the kid wasn’t a genuinely bad person, and she hoped he would find his way back from whatever he got lost in.

The past few weeks terrified her and shook her insides until her mind rattled.

“But God, they were the best.” she sighed.

She looked down at the silver branches that entwined around her index finger. “I haven’t thought of her in days.” Percy muttered. 

Her mother’s screams used to haunt her every night. Her father’s form was practically etched on the back of her eyelids. But sometime during the past few days, somehow, they’d faded away.

“The pain will never go away. Never in a million years. Never in a million more,” Percy whispered. But in knowing them, in spending time with them, it has faded ever so slightly. So slightly it has hardly made a difference.

But, it has faded nonetheless, and with any luck, in their presence, it will fade a little more.

She smiled.

“Thank you.” she said to no one at all.

“I knew you were strange, but do you usually thank your Butterbeer?”  Indira Marshall laughed. Next to her was a slightly pale but smiling Emily.

Percy grinned.

“All the time.”

Now go read everyone elses! Shoo :D

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Twenty Sixteen // Blogging-Reading Resolutions

Happy New Year to all of you lovely people (I know I'm 2 weeks late but shush better late than never)

To be very honest, I only compiled my list of blogging-reading resolutions after 2 weeks of the new year because I always like to plan my goals after having a little taste of what the new year will be like. I'm known to be overly ambitious about EVERYTHING URGH so I realized (like after 10 years) that it's loads more fullproof to do it this way.

Ever met an overly ambitious procrastinator? WE GET LITERALLY NOTHING DONE. IT'S BORDERLINE RIDICULOUS.

So here we go!

1, Read a book every 2 weeks for 6 months

OKAY BEFORE YOU JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS and accuse me for being unspeakably lame for believing that such a thing is actually a goal...
Basically here in Malaysia, the final year of your schooling life marks your SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) examination year which is essentially your final major exam before school is over. Your results for said exam will determine your college/university/entire life from here on out. 
So if I can manage this goal on top of 10 subjects, extra classes, and school activites, KUDOS TO ME. (I deserve all the cake in the world. You may give me your share too.)

2. Read more manga!

Surprised? I'm actually a mini otaku!
I have been for several years now and I really really enjoy reading manga and watching animes BUT!
I never make enough time for them!
This year however, that will change! (I hope) I plan to read mangas like Black Butler, Fruits Basket, (I'm currently reading both of them right now!) Dead Man Wonderland and Fullmetal Alchemist.

3. Post once a week

This is probably the scariest resolution of them all because of how busy I will be this year but once a week shouldn't be too daunting (that's what she said) SO I WILL DO MY BEST!
If you're interested, I plan to post every Sunday *grins*

4. Take better bookish pictures. 

I am convinced that a tadpole has better photography skills than I do. My photos are that bad. So this year I WILL take better photos of the books I read for an all round better blogging experience.


I started blogging in November of last year so granted, I haven't had a lot of time to meet a ton of people here on the blogosphere. But this year I have an entire year so I plan to talk to loads more people and fangirl with literally everyone because that's all we do right?

SO those are all my blogging-reading resolutions for 2016. Do you have any? Do you plan your resolutions waaaaay in advance or are you like me? Also, can we be friends? (I'm nice.. I promise.) 

Plus the new chapter of The Chronicles at Hogwarts is out ahhhh you can should read it here.
Also, tell Vineeth how awesome she is because excuse me that chapter was AMAZING.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Chronicles at Hogwarts // Chapter V

The school term has started and I've been doing my level best not to spontaneously combust very very busy :(
But, as I have been entrusted to do *pins badge onto myself* here is the fifth chapter of The Chronicles at Hogwarts!
Eep this is so exciting. Everyone is so talented and I hope this lives up to the amazing work they've done so far. *crosses fingers*

Story Mash-Up is a collaborative story writing project in which Eve, Joan, Michelle, Trisha, Vineeth,  Kaycee K, and I join forces to write a story set in Hogwarts, 10 years after Deathly Hallows. 

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is a trademark and a property of JK Rowling. The words and the non-canon characters were created and therefore owned by the bloggers involved in this project. 


Chronicles at Hogwarts // Chapter 5: Percy Lestrange

Persephone Rae Lestrange wolfed down her fifth piece of butterscotch cake of the day as she struggled to keep up with Aislin Benett’s long stride as the two marched down the hallway towards the headmistress’s office.

“Honestly, Percy! How much cake have you had today? It’s a wonder all your teeth are still in tact.” exclaimed Aislin as Percy brushed the crumbs off her hands on her Ravenclaw robe.

Percy smiled sheepishly around a mouthful of cake. “I'm hungry.”

Aislin rolled her eyes. The kid eats so much sugar and still weighed next to nothing.
“Where on earth are the others? They should be here by now. Professor Mcgonagall is going to need lots of convincing about Indira Marshall’s situation. We should all go together if we want her to believe us.”

“GOOD MORNING!” yelled Min Hye Summers as she barrelled into Percy from the hallway to the right.

“Morning” Indira Marshall mummered.

“There you are. Have you two seen Yokitori?” Aislin asked as Percy struggled to her feet.

“Not since yesterday, I was hoping he was with you two.” Indira Marshall said.

“Nevermind then. We’ll wait for him at the gargoyle in case he shows up.” said Percy.

Percy began to see the gargoyle loom in front of them as they got closer to Mcgonagall’s office. She remembered Lucy Goodwin from the 5th year say that the passwords to the office used to be names of sweets that Albus Dumbledore fancied. Lucy was ridiculous of course. Albus Dumbledore was one of the greatest wizards of all time and most certainly had better passwords than 'Sherbet Lemon.'

“Girls! Classes are about to start, what are you doing on this side of the castle? Miss Lestrange, I believe the third year Ravenclaws have Herbology with me in the next hour. Hurry along now.” Professor Longbottom said as he emerged from the headmistress’s office.

“Professor! We have to see the headmistress. It’s incredibly urgent. Please sir.” Percy begged.

“I was just about to see her myself but I’m afraid Professor Mcgonagall had to report to the Ministry of Magic for an urgent matter regarding the hippogriff that was recently set loose on the school’s perimeter. The parents have gone completely mental because of it. She won’t be back for a fortnight girls. I’m sorry.”

“TWO WEEKS?” Aislin Benett exclaimed.

“Yes Miss Benett. I do believe that is what a fortnight means.”

“Oh but sir you see, Indira is in... OW!” Percy hopped away from Indira’s foot in pain.

“It’s nothing Professor. We’ll get back to our classes now.” Indira said.


“WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT FOR?” Percy shouted. “You’re in danger and you know it. 
Professor Longbottom would have helped.” yelled Percy.

“You can’t just go around telling people I’m a werewolf, Professor or not. It’s not something to be proud of Percy. Everyone who’s ever known about my secret is either scared of me or hates my guts. I’ve lost so much because of it already. But I suppose you don’t know a thing about loss besides not having your favourite flavour of bloody cake in the breakfast hall every day do you?” Indira spat.

Percy flinched. Her mother flashed before her eyes. Her beautiful, kind, completely insane mother. Loss? Indira knew nothing.

“Stop it, both of you. Mcgonagall can’t help now. Indira, I still think we should tell someone else about your situation but if you think it’s not for the best, that’s completely fine.” Min Hye said gently.

“I guess we’re on our own then. The full moon is in nine days. We don’t have a lot of time. I say we get to the root of the problem and confront them. The Muggle-borns.” said Aislin.

Indira shook her head. “Not the muggle-borns. First, we talk to Emily.”


Percy was hoping that this whole werewolf fiasco would at least let her skip Herbology, but Indira and Aislin wouldn’t hear of it. They would meet during break to talk to Emily, five whole classes from now. 

“Honestly, that mandrake would have survived today if I was allowed to skip,” muttered Percy.

Throughout the day, Percy wondered where the skinny Japanese kid had gone off to. She hadn’t seen him between classes or even now as she trudged to the library where they agreed to meet Emily.

 Percy shook the thought from her head. He probably was scared of pursuing the matter. She wouldn’t get mixed up in the situation either if she knew any better. Problem is, she didn’t.


“What’s going on? Indira?” Emily stuttered as she fiddled with what looked to Percy like a piece of wire.

Percy was surprised that this Emily girl seemed every bit as scared as she was in the Astronomy tower. She didn’t seem like the ruin-your-best-friend’s-life type.

“We want to know what  they’re planning, the Muggle-borns. Specifically what they plan to do on the next full moon, nine days from now. Sound familiar, Emily?” Indira said between gritted teeth.

Percy winced. There it was.

Emily paled.

“I wouldn’t deny it if I were you. We heard everything at the Astronomy tower.” “Emily,” Aislin said gently. “You know this isn’t right. Tell us what’s going on and we’ll help you figure it out.”

Indira glared at her.

Emily took a deep breath and began. 

“It started last term when Alexander Fleamont called Alison Lawson a mudblood. He laughed at her painted nails and said they marked her for the abomination that she was. Ashley was furious, but Alison told her not to worry about it. It didn’t stop there though. He influenced all her friends that she was dirty, that she didn’t belong in the wizarding world. He said mudbloods are mudbloods after all. Her friends started isolating her for real. Soon, it got worse. Her books were soaked in ink, her robes were torn to shreds. They even snapped her wand, saying she didn’t deserve to own such a thing. Alison tried to take it in stride, she was always the happy sort. She rewrote her notes, bought new robes and a new wand. But, when they snapped her owl’s neck in front of her and made her watch, that’s when she lost it."

Everyone had heard about Alexander Fleamont and his cruel tendencies. But Percy had no idea how bad they had become. Suddenly something clicked.

“The Hufflepuff girl who snuck the muggle drugs on the train at the beginning of the term. That was...?” Percy gasped.

Emily nodded.

“Alison Lawson, Ashley’s younger sister. They say that before he was sent packing, she looked at him in the eye and said 'Mudbloods are Mudbloods after all'."

“Blimey,” Aislin breathed.

“What happened to Alison made the muggle-borns furious. They formed an organisation of sorts. I don’t know how, but they found out you were a werewolf, Indira. I swear I didn’t tell them. It wasn’t me!” Emily said, starting to cry a little now.

“What’s done is done. I guess they hit the jackpot in terms of Slytherin targets.” Indira grimaced.

“So what to they plan to do? Take more pictures? Hand them out around the school?” Percy asked.

“I wish that was all.”

“Yokitori! Where have you been?” Min Hye exclaimed, thumping him on the back.

Several students glared at her behind their textbooks. 

"Sorry," Min Hye whispered guiltily. 

“Lawson took me. She tied me up and left me in the broom cupboard until ‘further notice’ but left the door unlocked. Baka. ** ” Yokitori said as he rubbed the bruises on his wrists.

**japanese for stupid

“What on earth did she want with you?” Aislin asked.

“Dumbledore knows. When I got myself out I figured I should do a little investigating since I was late to classes anyway. I ran into her talking with Ben Hammon near the astronomy tower. I know what they’re up to.” 


What do the Muggle-borns plan to do on the full moon? Does Yokitori really know what they're up to? Will the group be able to stop it? Vineeth will be writing next! :D