Sunday, 1 November 2015

Where I'm Introduced!

Hey there!
Welcome to my blog in its baby phase. I always find it strange when people say 'welcome' because it feels like what a mom would say on a play date. BUT THIS IS NO SUCH THING! This is an empowering segment of the Internet where you will learn (in due course) that pigs do fly, butterbeer is an actual thing, and exactly how much sprinkles you need to survive the zombie apocalypse. (far too much.)  It's going to be fabulous, my friends.

My name is Ashwinie but you can call me Ash because then it'll seem like we're friends and this entire process will be far less awkward. I'm sixteen years, 2 months, and 25 days old and sometime between the day I was born and this moment, I figured out that I loved reading. I have been blogging on and off for 8 years now, which is a hell of a long time if you think about it but I still consider myself a newbie or one of them 'baby bloggers' because to be honest, I have no idea what I did with my so-called blogging life for the past 8 years. My blogs-of-the-past had absolutely no point and no direction because seriously, what exactly can an  uninteresting 9 year old blog about?
But those days are over my friends. I am now sixteen years, 2 months and 25 days old and I have discovered... the book blogging community. If you haven't heard of the book-blogging community goodness me which rock have you been residing under all these years it's basically this faerie-filled, chocolate-dipped realm of possibilities. I have officially found my people.

So welcome to the awesome side where we have cookies and warm fuzzy blankets and buckets of hot chocolate that refill themselves (no we don't) But fear not! We have books and opinions and hopefully actual human beings...soon. It will be awesome nonetheless simply because I say so.

Comment if you want to and I'll try my best not to hyperventilate at the fact that OH MY GOD YOU ARE AN ACTUAL HUMAN BEING THAT'S ACTUALLY COMMENTING ON MY POST and reply like a perfectly normal person <3 <3


  1. :) welcome to the blogging community! Looking forward to great posts from you.

    1. HI! :D Thank you so much! I'm so looking forward to getting started as well! Thanks so much for visiting xx

  2. Hey Ash! Welcome to the book blogging community! You are going to looooove it here :) I'm pretty new too, so we can be new together!

    1. HI! :D Oh my goodness thank you so much! I know, I absolutely love it here and I can't wait to get started. YES we should :D Thank you so much for visiting!

  3. WELCOME ASH!! <3 The blogging community is fabulous and I think you'll fit right in round here! Looking forward to see what you post here next! :)) Your blog is all pretty and profesh and I love it!! Very happy to be your first GFC follower! xD

    1. Thank you so much! AHHH I'm so happy right now :D Thank you so much for following and liking the design and just being so nice in your comment! Can't wait to talk to you more in the future xx

  4. I just stumbled upon this blog via Bloggers Commenting Back, and welcome to the blogging community! My blogging story is similar to yours - I blogged about my (very boring, haha) life on and off for years before I started my book blog. Forever Literary is the only site I stuck with, and now I've been blogging for 3.5 years and have loved every minute. :) I hope you end up loving this hobby and this community as much as I do, and I can't wait to read more from you!

    1. Hello hello thank you so much for visiting! :D I know right, I'm so glad I've finally found a purpose in blogging. I can't wait to do more of it! I'm sure I'll love it too, thank you! Thank you so much for following as well, can't wait to talk to you more in the future <3


    I hope you'll come to love posting bookish stuff. I've had my own fair share of on-off book blogs myself, so your not alone. *hugs you*

    I hope you'll have great days ahead of you! :)

    (P.S.: Your blog template is honestly adorable that I would squish it if it was a living being or something.)

    1. AHHH hello! :D Omg thank you so much for liking my blog template! *dies of happiness*
      I hope I'll like it here in the book blogging community too (pfft, I already do tbh)
      Thanks so much for visiting! *hugs you back*

  6. Welcome to the community! It's so hard when you're first starting, eh? I've had a straight and steady blog for the past what, 5-6 months? Ish? Anyway, I look forward to hearing more from you! I love your enthusiasm! If you want to talk more, my blog is :-)

  7. HELLO! Thank you so much :) Yeah, it's pretty tough when you're first starting out but I'm loving it so much so far ahhh <3 <3 As for your question in The Teabear section, yes there's a way to follow via blogspot. It's through Google Friend Connect. Basically when you see the 'Join This Site' button, that's the one! Thanks so much for stopping by xx I'll definitely stop by your blog!

  8. Haha it's fantastic! :-D Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm completely awful with this kind of thing. Er, how do I get to Google friend connect? (I just know you're laughing now haha)

    1. No worries at all! You can follow a blog via blogspot by clicking on the 'Join this site' button located at the sidebar of almost every blog on blogger. You can't miss it :) It looks like this:

      (paste the image url above into your search bar and you'll be able to see the image)

    2. Alright, I was just going through my old emails (insert huge guilty face here) and saw this! Of course, I just now figured out how to follow you. And then after that, I saw your Bloglovin' button, so I DID unfollow you, but don't freak out! It's on Bloglovin' now. ;-)

  9. Congratulations on finding your people. ;) We are happy to have you. :D

    1. Thank you so much! *hugs* I'm happy to be here! :D


Shower me with your opinions people!