Friday, 27 November 2015

Mini Book Haul // Wherein I camp outside my house

I ordered a package a week ago. From the day I ordered it to the day it arrived, I camped outside my house near the postbox so the delivery truck wouldn't miss seeing a bedraggled teenager waiting to sign for her package of 3 books.
I'm kidding of course.

I've never done a book haul before. Although I'm pretty new to the book blogging community, I haven't seen too many posts on the subject either. BUT I am unbelievably excited and contained excitement is dangerous so I will force my excitement upon all of you. WE SHALL FANGIRL IN THE COMMENTS TOGETHER MY FRIENDS. OKAY LET'S GO.

Illuminae  by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

I am hopelessly late with this one guys. I originally wanted to read it because it's the Book Dragons book of the month for November. (Book Dragons is a wonderful book club on Goodreads and Instagram and if you haven't checked them out, GO DO SO OMG.) But time baffles me and it's already the 28th of November. So unfortunately I can't join in the discussion for this book, NO MATTER I will still read it and enjoy it (hopefully) and share my opinions with you guys. I have to admit I was pretty skeptical about it being a sci-fi because it's not a genre that I read very often. (in fact close to never) *runs and hides* Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised with this one.

All I Know Now  by Carrie Hope Fletcher

*whispers dramatically*: Are you one too?

I absolutely love Carrie Hope Fletcher. I think she's a wonderful Youtuber and overall human being. She's practically sunshine if sunshine was a person. And this is her book! I'm so excited to read this.
Plus she's writing a fiction book that's being released next year omg guys do you feel my excitement ahhhh <3 <3

Winter  by Marissa Meyer
This needs literally no explanation. I read the Lunar Chronicles this year and OH MY GOSH. Marissa Meyer does such a great job when incorporating the original fairytale with her story. When I got this book I held it to my heart and wept in utter ecstasy  I started to read then and there because I needed the conclusion immediately. Instantly. I'm actually currently reading this and plan to review it soon provided I don't collapse from an overload of emotions. I'm just saying. There's a lot of them in there.


Have you read any of the books above? If you have, what are your thoughts on them? Also, what are you thoughts on book hauls? LET ME KNOW! (I always reply, so do check back!)


  1. AHHH I TOTALLY GET THIS!! I ordered Illuminae last month and omg I was seriously sitting by my mail box waiting to pounce on the delivery guy. I WAS SO SO EXCITED AFJDKASLD (and it didn't disappoint at all so I hope you love it too!!) And Winter, omgggg Winter. Definitely no other explanation needed. :')
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. AHHHH I KNOW RIGHT gosh the torture of waiting for a package is real. I CAN'T WAIT TO READ ILLUMINAE TOO *flails uncontrollably* I'm currently reading Winter now (I feel the need to say this every chance I get) and the Lunar feels are killing me *smiles through the pain* Thanks so much for stopping by! xx

  2. Winter was pretty amazing!

    I've been on the fence about ordering Illuminae because it has such a different format and when I looked at the price I wasn't quite there yet to order it, haha. On the other hand, sci-fi. I need more sci-fi in my life.

  3. I have not started the lunar chronicles series yet but I have them all ready to go on my shelf!


Shower me with your opinions people!