Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Top Ten Tuesday // 6 Novels in 2016 I obsessively count down for

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the lovely people at The Broke and The Bookish  that simultaneously includes lists and books rolled into one. (it's basically a wonderful creation in itself people, let's be honest) This week's prompt: Top Ten 2016 Debuts Novels We Are Looking Forward To. (I'm breaking the rules a little on this one guys. )

Top Ten 2016 Debut Novels We Are Looking Forward To

  • On the Other Side - Carrie Fletcher
Release date: 14th July 2016

Evie Snow is eighty-two when she quietly passes away in her sleep, surrounded by her children and grandchildren. It's the way most people wish to leave the world but when Evie reaches the door of her own private heaven, she finds that she's become her twenty-seven-year-old self and the door won't open.

Evie's soul must be light enough to pass through so she needs to get rid of whatever is making her soul heavy. For Evie, this means unburdening herself of the three secrets that have weighed her down for over fifty years, so she must find a way to reveal them before it's too late. As Evie begins the journey of a lifetime, she learns more about life and love than she ever thought possible, and somehow , some way, she may also find her way back to her long lost love . . 

AHH CARRIE'S WRITING A FICTION BOOK! It sounds very chick-lit, and to be very honest, it's not a genre I'm familiar with. I'm hopeful (hah see what I did there)  that I'm pleasantly surprised by this one. 

  • Heartless - Marissa Meyer
Release date: 8th November 2016

Long before she was the terror of Wonderland — the infamous Queen of Hearts — she was just a girl who wanted to fall in love.

Catherine may be one of the most desired girls in Wonderland, and a favorite of the yet-unmarried King of Hearts, but her interests lie elsewhere. A talented baker, all she wants is to open a shop with her best friend and supply the Kingdom of Hearts with delectable pastries and confections. But according to her mother, such a goal is unthinkable for the young woman who could be the next Queen.

At a royal ball where Cath is expected to receive the king's marriage proposal, she meets Jest, the handsome and mysterious court joker. For the first time, she feels the pull of true attraction. At the risk of offending the King and infuriating her parents, she and Jest enter into an intense, secret courtship.

Cath is determined to define her own destiny and fall in love on her terms. But in a land thriving with magic, madness, and monsters, fate has other plans.

The story about how The Queen of Hearts became The Queen of Hearts. Excuse me for a moment while I fangirl over how ingenious this idea is oh my god! But, I admit I'm a little iffy on the secret courtship- parents not approving- love triangle idea. I'm all for a tragic love story, but love triangles are always a little unsettling. Marissa Meyer rocks though guys, so lets trust her on this one. 

  • Glass Sword (Red Queen #2) - Victoria Aveyard
Release date: 9th February 2016

I can't post the synopsis for this one because it contains some major spoilers. But really, if you haven't read Red Queen we can't be friends. Red Queen is honestly one of the best reading surprises I had this year, and the release date for Glass Sword IS SO CLOSE GUYS LOOK FEBRUARY AHHHHH. <3 <3 

  • The Hammer of Thor (Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard #2) - Rick Riordan
Release date: 4th October 2016

I have a confession to make... I haven't read The Sword of Summer. I KNOW I KNOW. I like to think of Rick Riordan's books as my entire childhood, even if I first picked up The Lightning Thief when I was 11. I loved the Percy Jackson series so much, and I've heard that the narration style in Magnus Chase is quite similar so I'm just waiting to dissolve in a puddle of feels once I get my hands on this book. 

  • The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo #1) - Rick Riordan
Release date: 3rd May 2016

How do you punish an immortal?

By making him human.

After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disorientated, he lands in New York City as a regular teenage boy. Now, without his godly powers, the four-thousand-year-old deity must learn to survive in the modern world until he can somehow find a way to regain Zeus's favour.

But Apollo has many enemies - gods, monsters and mortals who would love to see the former Olympian permanently destroyed. Apollo needs help, and he can think of only one place to go . . . an enclave of modern demigods known as Camp Half-Blood.

How do you punish a fangirl?
By writing a book about Apollo turning into a teenager, falling from the heavens, joining Camp Half-Blood and spending the rest of his days with Perceus Jackson. 
Then only release that book six months from now.


I don't know about you, but the God I fangirled over the most in Percy Jackson was Apollo. When I heard about this book I guility thought: This sounds like fanfiction?? But let's be honest, I'm not complaining. 

“Wow," Thalia muttered. "Apollo is hot." 
"He's the sun god," I said.
"That's not what I meant.”

  • The Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows #2) - Leigh Bardugo
Release date: 22nd September 2016

GIVE ME MORE KAZ.. NOW. I want more of everything in the first book, backstories, wit, schemes, the Barrel.. Kaz. (pile them on me, pile them on me) I can't wait for this guys. I NEED MORE KAZ. Do you feel me?


SO GUYS are you excited for more Kaz  any book releases in 2016? Did you participate in this week's Top Ten Tuesday? Let me know in the comments so I can go read your posts as well! :D


  1. I am quite excited about Heartless, it would be cool to read a story about the Queen of Hearts! I haven't read Red Queen yet but I just have a feeling that I'm going to enjoy it, so I'm excited for Glass Sword as well. And of course, we can't get enough of the crew from Six of Crows! It's weird but I actually preferred the title Empire of Crows compared to Crooked Kingdom, but that's just me. :D

    Joan @ Fiddler Blue
    My Top Ten

    btw, if you love Harry Potter and you are interested in writing a collaborative story set in Hogwarts, please check out this link for details and hope you can join us. Thank you!

    1. RIGHT? Heartless sounds so amazing gosh I can't even. AHHH Red Queen is fantastic my friend <3 I'll wait here while you go read it and absorb it in it's awesomeness *grins* *GASPS* I had to idea that the title was Empire of Crows before it was Crooked Kingdom. It does sound waaay better *nods vigorously* but I'm just happy I get more of Kaz and Inej and Nina and everyone ahhhh I'm so excited. September 22nd though. Waiting for sequels are a form of cruelty in itself.
      *whispers dramatically* I'm a Ravenclaw.
      I checked out the link and I think it's absolutely wonderful GOSH it's the best idea I've heard of but *runs and hides in a corner* I've never written fiction. Nervous laughter all around.
      I'll really really consider this though. If I don't join, you can bet I'll be cheering from the sidelines! Good luck! xx

  2. These are all great picks, but I am all in for Heartless. Here's hoping that we both love it.

    1. GOSH HEARTLESS <3 Don't let me get started on how excited I am for Heartless! I know, I hope we both love it too! xx

  3. I definitely need to hurry up and read Red Queen! I've heard so many good things about it yet I still haven't purchased a copy. It sounds incredible. Thanks for sharing!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. YES MY FRIEND definitely go read Red Queen. I am waiting. And once you're done we shall obsessively count down to Glass Sword together! HUZZAH! xx

  4. I have so much catching up to do when it comes to Rick Riordan... I haven't read any of his books T_T. But I did recently order the PJO box set and it should be here any day now! Can't wait to see what it's all about and to learn some mythology.

    I am so incredibly excited for Heartless! TLC is my favourite series ever and I'm so sad that it's over. But I'm happy that Marissa Meyer is continuing with her retellings and I hope these characters are just as great as our TLC cast. And OMG Crooked Kingdom! I NEED I NEED.

    Jenna @ Reading with Jenna

    1. Hello there! I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO READ AND LOVE PERCY JACKSON TOO <3 <3 Believe me, it's amazing. I still think it's amazing. You're gonna love it!

      I KNOW RIGHT AHHHH HEARTLESS *cue confetti* I'm pretty sure it's one of my most anticipated books of the coming year. TLC though :( I'm still reading Winter so it's not over just yet for me (I'm starting to think that I'm dragging it for that particular reason *guilty*)

      CROOKED KINGDOM ahhhh Kaz. Enough said. I just need Kaz.

  5. I had completely forgotten The Trials of Apollo released next year! So excited for that one. I also still need to read the first Magnus Chase book!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/01/top-ten-tuesday-33/

    1. I AM SO GLAD I REMINDED YOU! Yes, gosh I have to read Magnus Chase. But I haven't got my hands on it and it's so. frustrating. I am not alone in my struggles. *high fives you*

  6. Ooh, On the Other Side sounds interesting - and I love the cover! I hadn't heard about it, but I'll have to look into it now. And as for Heartless, would you hate me if I said I've never read anything by Marissa Meyer? *hides* Anyway, thanks for your comment on my TTT and your college-related good luck wishes! I've definitely started waiting to read titles that I know will have a sequel. Binge-reading is better than waiting a year between books.

    1. Hi there Emily :) Yes it does! Carrie Hope Fletcher is absolutely amazing so I have massive hopes for this one! I love this drawing as well but sadly it's not the final cover :( This is just an illustration that Carrie has drawn temporarily before the actual cover is released (fingers crossed for that one :D)

      ...WHAT? AHHH why? I really really hope you read her books someday! The Lunar Chronicles is very, very cleverly written and is so unique and amazing and ahhh Marissa Meyer is wonderful at retellings! <3 I shall wait for you to read them and we shall fangirl over her amazingness together!
      As for binge-reading titles, I totally agree with you. The amount of tissues and wailing that goes into waiting for a sequel is quite alarming. But sometimes I can't resist! I love reading new releases as they come out and be a part of all the hype.

      You're very welcome! I hope college goes wonderful for you! xx


Shower me with your opinions people!