Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Top Ten Tuesday // Authors I worship as of 2015.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the lovely people at The Broke and The Bookish  that simultaneously includes lists and books rolled into one. (it's basically a wonderful creation in itself people, let's be honest) This week's prompt: Top Ten New-To-Me Favourite Authors I Read For The First Time in 2015. 

Top Ten Seven New-To-Me Favourite Authors I Read For The First Time
in 2015.

(and the books I've read by them)

Marissa Meyer

I mean really, does this even need an explanation? Marissa Meyer is absolutely WONDERFUL at fairytale retellings. The Lunar Chronicles is so unique and so amazing it's almost unbelievable. Like how do people come up with this stuff? ARGH. While I was reading TLC, I would suddenly come across something that seemed vaguely familiar, like when (spoiler alert) Thorne (THAT NAME GUYS DID YOU GET THE RAPUNZEL REFERENCE?) lost his sight (OH MY GOD) when he fell from space (uhhh.. tower?) 

Plus everything fits and makes perfect sense like a gargantuan jigsaw puzzle where no awkward pieces are left behind. 

Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is a newfound favourite guys. Life held little meaning before I read Six of Crows. Six of Crows simultaneously broke my heart and filled it with such joy that it nearly exploded from happiness. (either way it didn't give my heart an easy time) She created whom I think is literally my FAVOURITE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME. Kaz. I mean really, anyone who's so completely extraordinary to create such a complex, tormented, EVIL YET WONDERFUL character deserves all the cake in the world (including my share, which is saying something) If you haven't read Six of Crows you need to. You have to. Now. 

Victoria Aveyard

I think Victoria Aveyard was my biggest surprise of the year. I picked up Red Queen on a complete whim having absolutely no expectations whatsoever but within 5 minutes of reading it, my friends were already tired of me sputtering nonsense about how PHENOMENAL is was. (that was before I finished the first chapter) After finishing the entire book however, I had no friends left. And my dog went to live with the neighbor for the next week. I'm serious. 

Red Queen's world is incredibly unique with amazing characters and a sensible (finally) ending to the romance element. I loved it. And so do you. Even if you haven't read it yet. 

Also, can we take a good long moment of respect at how unbelievably young Victoria Aveyard is? People as talented as this make me question my existence.

Brian K. Vaughan

2015 was the year I got into comics. Saga was my first. If you need to know one thing about Saga, here it is: THE HYPE IS REAL. I have never been so utterly consumed by a piece of fiction in my life. Granted the gorgeous, GORGEOUS art by Fiona Staples helped but the story is AMAZING. So. addictive. If you've heard of Saga, and you're kind of skeptical about getting into comics and graphic novels, READ SAGA. Then come back and thank me. You're very welcome. 

John Layman

I reviewed Chew in it's entirety as one of my first few posts on this blog. I'm currently on volume 6 of the comic and it just keeps getting better guys. ARGH. My stomach can't take the number of somersaults it goes through in a single sitting of reading this stuff because let's be honest, Chew is not a comic for the faint of heart. But I love it. John Layman is a genius. And Rob Guillory's art is absolutely phenomenal. Enough said. 

Carrie Hope Fletcher

Okay so I've been a Hopeful for some time now. I genuinely think Carrie Hope Fletcher is  more of a ray of sunshine than she is a person. Her book, All I Know Now was released this year. Honestly, I've never met anyone who's placed more importance on other people's feelings than Carrie has in 5 pages of the book. It's so sweet and charming and just ahhhh <3 
Plus she's writing a fiction book that's being released next year SOMEONE HOLD ME.

Darren Shan 
(it seems somewhat preposterous to type Darren Shan's name in a shade of pink but we're gonna go with it because stereotypes are ridiculous)

Darren Shan. What can I say about Darren Shan. THE GUY IS AMAZING AT WORLD-BUILDING. Darren Shan has crafted a world of vampires that's so amazing to read about it's mental. His books are so addictive it's crazy how fast you fly through them. I ignored the entire planet for the 3 hours I was reading these books. Now, Darren Shan (the character) is cool, but Larten Crepsley *deep breaths* is something else entirely. (if you've read this series, please tell me I'm not alone on the Crepsley boat) Sadly I've only read the first 2 bind ups of this series. BUT I WILL CONTINUE FRIENDS!

SO which authors surprised you this year? Did you participate in this week's Top Ten Tuesday? Let me know!


  1. I have always wanted to read a Darren Shan book and even have a copy of Demon Road which I need to get to.

    1. DARREN SHAN IS AMAZING :D I've never read Demon Road though.. but his Darren Shan series is awesome! *grins*

  2. I've been meaning to read Saga for ages but never got around to it, and All I Know Now. This meme is infinitely expanding my TBR list! I have also never read any Darren Shan but always intended to - how graphic are his novels, gore/violence wise?

    1. Oh you have to read Saga *flails* It's epic and awesome and just ahhh amazing <3 DEFINITELY RIGHT? Oh my god this meme might not be the best for me in terms of my already gargantuan TBR pile. Well.. I'd say semi-graphic. It's not too bad most of the time, but to be honest, the violence and gore adds to how amazing his novels are. I'd say if you're into thrillers in general, Darren Shan's books are for you! I wouldn't worry too much if you're not into gore :)

  3. one of my goals for 2016 is to finally read the Lunar Chronicles! My TTT

    1. YAY!! That is an excellent goal! *grins* I approve 100% of that goal.

  4. I hope to finally get around to reading Red Queen next year!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/08/top-ten-tuesday-34/

    1. I hope you do too! Come back and flail with me about how awesome it was after you do! I'm dying waiting for Glass Sword *cries*


Shower me with your opinions people!